Parts of a Flower and Their Functions

Dec 1, 2020 | Flowers, Gardening, Plants Flowers

Many people can appreciate a flower for its beauty, but not many can tell you about the various parts and purposes.

Flowers can be male or female, or they can be both sexes. When a flower has both sex organs, it’s a perfect flower. If it has all four of the main components of a flower, it’s considered complete. The four main parts that a flower needs to be complete are sepal, carpel, petals, and stamen.

In this article, we’re going to talk about the parts of a flower and their functions. We’ll also discuss the anatomy of a flower, a plant cell, and a leaf.

Main Parts of a Flower (And Their Functions)

Some plants produce a flower, also called a bloom or blossom. While flowers are beautiful to look at, their primary purpose is for reproduction.

The flower houses the plant’s reproductive organs. If the flower is a male, it will contain a stamen. Female flowers have carpels or pistils. A perfect flower may have both.

Flowering plants use evolutionary features to ensure their continued survival by having bright colors and appealing scents to capture pollinating creatures’ attention. Plants that do not need help with pollination may have a duller look and smell.

No two flowers will have the same shape or size, even if they’re on the same plant. But most flowers have the same anatomy and four main parts – sepal, carpel, petals, and stamen.

parts of a flower


As flowers start to develop into buds, they grow inside a protective pod that keeps the petals safe. This green leafy structure is a sepal and forms the outer whorl – calyx.

Not all plants will have sepals. Plants without sepals have bracts instead, which are small leaves around the flower. In some flowers, these bracts will be bigger and brighter than the petals.

Flowers without petals have a modified sepal that attracts pollinators. These sepals are typically larger and a brighter color.


The most noticeable part of the flower is the petals, which give the flower its shape. The petal whorl, or corolla, and the calyx create the perianth.

Most flowers have petals with vivid colors and a strong scent. However, some flowers have smaller or no petals.

The combination of colors and smells catches the interest of insects, birds, and other creatures that help with pollination. Flower petals also keep the sensitive reproductive organs protected.


Stamens are the male reproductive organ inside a flower. All of the stamens make up the third whorl – androecium – inside the flower.

A stamen consists of a long tube-like filament topped with an anther. The anther is a sac that produces pollen grains that hold male gametes – male reproductive cells. There are lots of grains in each anther.

Each pollen grain has a generative cell and a vegetative cell, which aid in reproduction. The vegetative cell creates the pollen tube, while the generative cell handles fertilizing the female cell.

When something lands on the anther to feed, some of these pollen grains will attach to the pollinator. Once the pollinator moves to a new flower, these pollen grains will transfer to the new host, allowing for pollination (reproduction).


The female part of the flower is the carpel, sometimes referred to as the pistil. These pieces create the innermost whorl – gynoecium. A carpel consists of an ovary – a swollen sac base filled with ovules – female reproductive cells.

The ovary also has a long thin tube (style) with a flat, sticky tip (stigma). The sticky substance traps pollen grains, which germinates into a long pollen tube that travels through the style.

Once the tube reaches the ovules, fertilization occurs. The fertilized ovule turns into a seed, causing the ovary to form a fleshy covering that turns into the fruit.

Other Flower Parts

Besides the four primary components, flowers have other parts that play essential roles in the flower’s life cycle.

The receptacle plays a significant part in your flower’s support. The receptacle, positioned at the top of the stalk, below the flower’s base, connects the flower to the stem. It also provides support to the flower’s weight. This area may be enlarged to accommodate the flower’s size.

Every flower also has a peduncle or stalk. This part is the green stem that extends from the bottom of the flower into the ground.

And finally, all flowers have leaves that sprout from their stalks. Most leaves are green due to chlorophyll. The primary purpose of leaves is to produce food for the flowers, using a process called photosynthesis.

Complete vs. Incomplete Flowers

Even though flowers can look different, most of them contain all of the same parts. There are four main components of a flower – petals, stamen, sepals, and carpel (pistil).

Flowers that have these four primary parts arranged in a circle pattern (whorl) are complete. If the plant does not contain all four parts, it is incomplete.

Imperfect flowers are always incomplete. However, that does not mean that all incomplete flowers are imperfect. Some incomplete flowers may classify as perfect.

Perfect vs. Imperfect Flowers

In the plant kingdom, some species produce flowers – angiosperms. Many of us enjoy the appearance and smell of these blooms without realizing the vital role they play.

In many angiosperm plants, the attractive flower that blooms holds the reproductive organs. Flowers can be perfect or imperfect – both sexes or single-sex.

Perfect flowers contain male and female reproductive components, so they classify as hermaphrodites.

Monoecious (male and female flowers on the same plant) plants can create offspring without another flower. To classify as a perfect flower, it must contain both a stamen and a carpel.

Imperfect flowers will only contain one set of reproductive parts. These are unisex and will have only male or female organs.

The stamen is the male sex organ, while the carpel is the female sex organ. Flowers that have male and female parts on separate plants are dioecious.

Plant Structure

Plants have two separate organ systems – root and shoot – that combine to make up the full flower.

The root system consists of the plant parts below the ground, including the rhizomes, tubers, and roots. Rhizomes are rootstalks that stem from the primary root node. And tuberous roots are lateral roots that work as storage.

Dicot (either male or female) flowers typically have a tap root (one main root) with lateral roots shooting off.

Monoecious plants usually have fibrous roots, which are thin roots that form a mat close to the surface underground.

The shoot system makes up the plant parts above-ground, such as the flowers, stems, leaves, buds, and fruit. We covered the various parts of an above-ground flower earlier.plant cell structure

Parts of a Plant Cell (And Their Functions)

Plant cells originate at the meristems (tips of the roots and shoots), where they form into different types of cells, based on the type of tissue it contains.

There are various components of a plant cell. Each piece plays an essential role in the cell’s performance. Let’s take a look at the different parts of a plant cell.

Cell Wall

On the outside of a plant cell wall, there’s a tough layer that keeps cells formed while giving them high turgidity.

On the inside, there’s a semi-permeable membrane made of protein and fat or cellulose. There’s also hemicellulose, lignins, and pectin molecules.

This membrane prevents harmful toxins from entering the cell while being soluble enough for minerals to pass.


All eukaryotic cells contain a nucleus, which plays two crucial parts in plant cells’ construction and performance.

First of all, the nucleus stores the plant’s DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid. This information contains the plant’s genetic material. This DNA determines how a plant grows and looks.

The nucleus also controls what the cell does, including its metabolism, growth, protein synthesis, and division (reproduction).

Most of the nucleus is chromatin, unstructured DNA that turns to chromosomes during mitosis. The nucleus also contains the nucleolus – organelles that create ribosomes.


Mitochondria is another component of plant cells. These organelles create ATP – adenosine triphosphate – a crucial energy molecule cells need.

Mitochondria must go through cellular or aerobic respiration, which uses oxygen to oxidize acetyl-CoA to produce ATP.

Mitochondria produces acetyl-CoA through the Krebs cycle, which uses citric acid to oxidize pyruvate from glucose.  

Golgi apparatus

The Golgi apparatus is an organelle made of flattened sacs that form from the endoplasmic reticulum. The Golgi is responsible for transferring vesicles – packets of cells – throughout the cell.

Another function the Golgi complex performs is to label vesicles with sugar molecules and proteins, so the vesicles go to the right destinations.

Endoplasmic reticulum

The endoplasmic reticulum is the part of the cell that produces the proteins and cellular products. This is a large organelle that contains tubules and membranous sheets that form sacs – cisternae.

These cisternae form a lumen which produces and stores protein molecules. When the lumen has enough protein, they form a vesicle, which separates and moves to the Golgi for distribution.

There are two sections of the endoplasmic reticulum: smooth and rough. The smooth ER (SER) resembles tubes and creates and stores steroids and lipids.

Rough ER (RER) are more like disks with ribosomes attached to give it a bumpy look. RER is attached to the nuclear envelope, which moves molecules between the perinuclear space and the lumen. The RER pushes the protein-filled vesicles to their future locations.


The ribosomes control the cell’s ability to synthesis protein. This organelle consists of cell proteins and ribosomal DNA (rDNA).

When ribosomes go through protein synthesis, it’s called translation. This process occurs when messenger RNA transfers nucleotides to the ribosomes.

These ribosomes then use the nucleotides to create and translate the message contained in the RNA.


Chloroplasts are a type of disk-shaped organelle with a double membrane found in plant cells. These organelles create photosynthesis, the process of converting energy from the sun into glucose.

During this process, plant cells use carbon dioxide, which releases oxygen into the air. These chloroplasts make plants photoautotrophic as they produce their own food.

The center of a chloroplast contains a stroma, which is a fluid matrix. Within the stroma are stacks of flattened disks called thylakoids. Thylakoids contain carotenoids and chlorophyll, pigments that collect light energy and turn the plants green.

Central Vacuole

The central vacuole is a large sphere that holds water and molecules. It also retains turgor pressure, which is the pressure of the cell’s contents against the cell wall. Plants don’t have a skeleton, like humans or animals, to provide structure. Instead, they rely on turgor pressure.

Turgor pressure is an essential component of plant cells, as it controls the amount of light energy a cell can absorb. The pressure changes from osmosis, the process of water entering and exiting the cell.


The cytoplasm is a fluid inside the cells that suspends the organelles. It was formerly called protoplasm but has since been renamed. The liquid is also referred to as cytosol. Fluid trapped in the nucleus is nucleoplasm.

The cytosol is made of water, ions, small molecules, fatty acids, sugars, and amino acids. Within the cytoplasm are microtubules and microfilaments that create a skeleton. This is referred to as a cytoskeleton.


The plasmodesmata is a narrow cytoplasm that acts as a communication channel between the adjacent plant cells. This thin thread links to the cortical endoplasmic reticulum.

Plasmodesmata have pores that link the symplastic space between cells. It separates the outer membrane, creating air spaces called desmotubule. In between the cell membrane and the desmotubule is the cytoplasm. SER covers the top of plasmodesmata.

Plasma Membrane

The plasma membrane is a continuous layer of the plasmodesmata, along with layers of cytoplasmic sleeves and desmotubules. This membrane consists of layers of phospholipids.

The purpose of a plasma membrane is to provide a protective boundary around a cell. This barrier separates the cytoplasm and controls what goes into and out of the cell. It also holds the cytoskeleton in place, so the cell keeps its shape.


Microtubules are hollow channels made of tubulins and have a diameter of 23nm. These tubes are one of three types of filaments that make up the cytoskeleton. Microtubules transport materials and form the cell wall.

The other two filaments that make up a cytoskeleton frame are actin filaments – microfilaments – and intermediate filaments. Microtubules are the largest of the three filaments.


Peroxisomes are small single membrane vesicles, similar to lysosomes, that carry oxidative digestive enzymes to break down toxic materials.

These enzymes absorb and digest fatty acids and other nutrients that require oxygen and convert them into sugar. Chloroplasts can use this glucose for photorespiration.

anatomy of a leaf

Anatomy of a Leaf

Leaves are a crucial part of your flower. Your flower uses leaves as their primary source of food through a process called photosynthesis. When you look at a leaf, it looks like one solid piece of material. But it’s composed of multiple layers of materials.

Angiosperm (flowering plants) leaves contain chlorophyll and have three main parts: blade, petiole, and stipules.


The blade is the broad part of the leaf. When you hold a leaf up for examination, you are looking at the blade, which can be any size or shape. They’re typically green in color.

Parts of the blade include the apex – the leaf tip and the margin – boundary around the leaf (might be jagged, smooth, lobed, or parted). There are also veins – vascular tissue channels that transport nutrients and support the leaf.

Plus, a midrib – central rib that travels through the leaf and provides secondary veins; and the base – part of the leaf that connects to the petiole.


The petiole is the thin stalk that connects the leaf to the stem. When you pluck a leaf, you’ll see the petiole at the bottom as a slender stalk.


Stipules are at the base of the leaf. These look like tiny leaves sprouting from the leaf base but do not grow up along the stalk, like a regular leaf.

Leaf Layers

Each leaf is made of plant cells, formed into layers. Most plant leaves have three tissue types: epidermis, mesophyll, and vascular.

The epidermis is the outer layer of the leaf. This tissue creates a waxy coating, or cuticle, that helps the leaf retain water. Inside the epidermis are guard cells, which controls gas exchange between the environment and the plant. The guard cells operate the stomata, which manages the release or retention of different gases.

The mesophyll layer is the middle of the leaf and consists of spongy mesophyll and palisade, which stores the plant’s chloroplasts, which holds the chlorophyll (your plant’s food).

Beneath the palisade is the spongy mesophyll, which holds the vascular tissue in irregularly shaped cells.

Vascular tissue makes up the leaf veins; these tubular structures, called phloem and xylem, transport materials through the leaves and the plant.

photosynthesis and cell respiration

Photosynthesis and Respiration

Plants need to use both photosynthesis and respiration to create the materials needed to survive.

Photosynthesis is how plants create food. Rather than consuming other organisms to develop the nutrients they need, plants convert the chlorophyll found in the leaves into the necessary nutrients.

A plant converts energy from sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water into oxygen and glucose (sugar) to perform photosynthesis. This is a two-step process. The first part, the photo, is the reaction that occurs due to light. The synthesis of glucose occurs during the Calvin cycle.

Photosynthesis happens in the chloroplast. When light enters the thylakoid membranes inside the chloroplast, the green pigment (chlorophyll) absorbs the energy.

Because light travels as waves, it breaks into photons, which contain energy that triggers the chlorophyll to start photosynthesis.

During this process, the water molecule separates from the oxygen, which bonds with another molecule to produce oxygen. It also produces ATP and NADPH, which stores converted energy.

Cellular respiration is a process that uses oxygen and glucose to create water and carbon dioxide. It is the opposite of photosynthesis, which uses water and oxygen to generate glucose and carbon dioxide.

When cellular respiration occurs, the glucose from photosynthesis goes through glycolysis, which divides the glucose into two smaller particles called pyruvate.

Then these molecules are fused again, forming carbon dioxide and ATP in a process called aerobic respiration. As the plant absorbs glucose and oxygen, it produces carbon dioxide, water, and energy.


We hope we’ve helped you understand the different parts of a flower and their functions. We’ve talked about what each part of the flower is and what it does. And we’ve explained how flowers produce their food. Now, you can appreciate the important role flowers play in our survival. Flowers aren’t just a pretty face. They’re crucial to our very existence.


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