The summer heat is here and it’s only going to get hotter.
Do you want to know how to beat the heat without a ceiling fan?
If you have a low ceiling, check out these 11 ceiling fan alternatives.
1. Tower Fan

A tower fan is similar to a regular ceiling fan, except that it is much shorter.
It can sit on a desk or a table and the blades can be tilted in multiple different directions.
Tower fans are not good at cooling down large spaces because they don’t move enough air around for this to be possible.
Instead, you should think of these as alternatives if you want something more aesthetically pleasing than an AC unit but don’t want to spend too much money on an alternative.
These fans are fairly hard to come by at most retailers since they aren’t used very often anymore. If your local Wal-Mart doesn’t carry them, try looking online instead! You’ll have no trouble finding one
2. Window AC Unit

Window AC units are smaller systems that have been designed to sit in your window, which means you don’t need to sacrifice the only window in your room.
If you’re living somewhere where air conditioning is not common or if you want a more budget-friendly cooling option, these small units can be an excellent choice for you.
Just make sure that your room has enough airflow and good ventilation before installing one of these so that you don’t end up making it too hot inside of your home.
These portable windows will cost less to run than a full AC unit since they do not require any installation costs to operate.
3. Central Air Conditioning Systems

Central air conditioning systems will pump cool air through your entire home so that it can help cool down your space.
Since the unit will be installed outside of your home and is designed to circulate air throughout your entire living area, you don’t need to worry about a specific spot being too hot or too cold—the system will take care of everything for you!
These systems are some of the most expensive that you can install in your home since they provide constant cooling in every room rather than just the one where they have been placed. For this reason, these units may not be right for everyone, but they do provide excellent air quality.
4. Pedestal Fan

Pedestal fans provide a lot of the same benefits that you get from an AC unit or even regular ceiling fans.
These appliances blow air throughout your space helping to cool down the room and remove moisture as well. They are portable so that you can move them if necessary, but they also come with adjustable speeds and height options for easy use.
The only downside is that pedestal fans don’t work too well in large spaces since there isn’t enough room for the blades to turn easily, which means not enough air will be provided through the fan even at high-speed settings.
5. Attic Fan

Attic fans work on the same principle as ceiling fans, but they’re installed in your attic so that they don’t directly cool down your living area.
Instead, these fans pull air out of your attic and into the rest of your home where it is cooled by window AC units or other kinds of cooling appliances.
As with most ceiling fans, this option doesn’t move a lot of air around which means it will be far less effective than an actual central AC unit for basic cooling needs. However, when used correctly, an attic fan can lessen the amount of warm air that makes its way into your living space during hot days and prevent you from wasting money on cooling costs.
6. Box Fan

Box fans are like the cheaper version of pedestal fans that work in a similar way.
These appliances have three different speeds and can be used in just about any space large or small, making them a great cooling option if you don’t need something too fancy for your living area. They have good airflow options as well so that you can regulate things to ensure that no one is ever left feeling too cold or too hot!
Again, these appliances are not very aesthetically pleasing, but they get the job done at a lower cost than some other air conditioning systems out there.
7. Portable Air Conditioner

Portable AC units are usually split into two parts: The compressor and an exhaust hose. This kind of cooling appliance is perfect for smaller spaces since it can be easily moved from room to room in order to keep you cool just about anywhere.
The only downside of portable AC units is that they are generally not as powerful or effective as regular central air conditioning systems.
If your space requires serious cooling, this may not be an option for you. But if you just need to get rid of the heat on a hot day when your window AC unit isn’t doing enough, a portable AC will work well for you!
8. Evaporative Cooler/Humidifier Combo

Evaporative coolers and humidifiers both use water to create cold or misty air in order to help make your home more comfortable and easy on the eyes.
Evaporative coolers remove moisture from the air in order to provide a cooling effect and they do it by using water as their main source of cooling power rather than electricity or other equipment. Humidifiers are used to increase moisture in your home since dry environments can cause damage to your house as well as make your family members feel uncomfortable at times.
These two appliances work together extremely well—and they can even be combined into one unit if you want to really save space! You can control both functions with one remote control, which makes them great options for people who aren’t huge fans of complicated systems.
They also don’t tend to break down very often so you shouldn’t have to worry about repair costs or needing a new unit in the near future.
9. Table Fan

Table fans are the best way to keep air moving in a room that doesn’t have enough space for a standard ceiling or pedestal fan.
Not only do these appliances move more air than your average desk fan, but they can also be placed where you need them most.
If you want something small and portable that can help with circulation without taking up too much room, this is the right option for you! Just make sure to get a model with an adjustable base so that it doesn’t damage any surfaces when it blows around, and be aware that they can be difficult to clean.
10. Bladeless Air Fan

Bladeless fans are great options if you want something that’s completely safe to have around children and pets.
These fans don’t have blades so they can’t cut or hurt anyone who might accidentally run into them—they just blow a refreshing breeze! These appliances are also quiet enough that you won’t need to worry about earplugs when they are on. However, they aren’t as effective at cooling your home as other options, so I’d recommend these for bedrooms more than living rooms! They do make a great addition to any house though especially if you’re going for the minimalist look!
11. Window Fan

Window fans are basic and easy to use! They can quickly be installed or removed from your windows, making them a great option for people who want to easily cool their homes.
They also increase air circulation in closed spaces, which makes them the ideal cooling appliance if you’re in an area with high humidity since they will help draw that moisture out of the air.
Window fans work by drawing hot outside air into the window and blowing it over a spinning set of blades to create a breeze. These appliances don’t operate very quietly so make sure you aren’t planning on taking an afternoon catnap! But if you need something quick, these options might be perfect for cooling down small rooms like bedrooms.
So, which of these cool ceiling fan alternatives are you going to choose in order to beat the summer heat and keep yourself cool this season?
If you’re looking for a specific model but don’t know where to start, our expert team is here to help. We can analyze your living space and recommend products that will fit into your budget as well as work with any other design plans.
Let us know what size or type of appliance would be best for your needs!