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7 Different Types of Crickets (Interesting Facts)

Aug 15, 2021 | Cleaning Organizing, Gardening, Pest Control, Spider Insects Control

Crickets are chirpy insects belonging to the family Gryllidae. They can be found in a variety of colors, sizes, and physiologies depending on their habitat and environment.

Crickets have an intimate relationship with nature around us: they break down plant material and renew soil minerals for re-growth; they may even warn of impending natural disasters like storms or earthquakes.

Explore these interesting facts about cricket and its different types as well as the role it plays in our lives.

Habitat and Distribution

Crickets are found in almost all parts of the world. They can be seen freely roaming the wilderness, meadows, farmlands and gardens. In fact, they are so common that most people ignore them altogether.

Crickets prefer to live outdoors where natural predators cannot easily attack them. Crickets only jump when disturbed or threatened by outside elements like approaching humans or pets. However, they are quick to escape into a burrow on the ground if it is nearby.

Crickets can survive in humid as well as dry conditions but they prefer moderate levels of climate with little humidity, warmth and some shade for protection from direct sunlight. Mostly these insects like to stay near their food sources, which include plant material and small creatures found within the soil and grasses around them.

Growing up to 2 in (5 cm) long, these chirpy bugs are commonly identified by their two long antennae and six legs. They have a hard outer body or exoskeleton covering which protects them from feeling the brunt of outside elements like direct sunlight and extreme weather conditions.

Crickets can be found worldwide but mostly prefer to stay near soil, fields, forests and grassy meadows. Since they do not travel far from their chosen habitats, cricket sightings are common around homes where there are grasslands located nearby.


Crickets are omnivores; they eat both plants and animals. When not hunting for prey, crickets prefer to feast on plant material like leaves, stems, roots and tubers which they dig from the ground.

Crushed into a powdery substance known as “dragon’s blood”, crickets were once used in past centuries as medicine by ancient Chinese practitioners. Eating them can make you ill because their outer exoskeleton is hard and difficult to digest.

Insects like crickets (in the wild) or mealworms (which have been bred in captivity) have gained popularity lately as food for fish kept within home aquariums or bird habitats. When placed in a tank with fish, frogs or birds, these small creatures with large appetites will provide food for the larger animals in the tank.

Adding one cricket to an aquarium may seem like adding just one small creature, but be careful – crickets breed quickly. The male cricket chirps, letting females know that he is ready to mate. Once touched by a female cricket and fertilized, she produces up to 500 eggs within a few weeks before dying.

Mating and Reproduction

Crickets reach sexual maturity very early (within four weeks) of birth and after mating, they produce eggs almost immediately.  The average lifespan of a wild cricket is six months; its short life cycle is due mainly to predation by predators who hunt them down for consumption. In fact, humans eat crickets as well, but these insects have become popular in the pet trade when bred for their mass breeding purposes.

As with all living creatures, crickets also need to reproduce in order to continue their species’ survival. Female and male crickets call out to each other through mating chirps which are produced by rubbing their wings together rapidly. Once a female cricket calls back, the male will make his way towards her to pursue her for mating.

A fierce predator who is always ready for hunting is the praying mantis; some Asian cultures believe that it acts as an omen of death or impending natural disasters – like storms or earthquakes. This stealthy hunter can strike prey within seconds and once they catch one victim, pray mantises are known to munch their prey down until they are full.

Mantises can be found in a variety of colors and camouflage patterns; some have long antennae while others are short with large, bulging eyes. The praying mantis is an insect that only eats living vertebrates like frogs, lizards, birds, and smaller insects – crickets included. This type of insect eats other creatures for survival; so it makes sense that they eat one another when food sources become scarce or non-existent.  Praying mantises are carnivores and prefer warm environments in which they lay eggs before dying off during the winter months.     Not all crickets live in grassy meadows – there are six types of different crickets that live in diverse habitats. Each species has adapted to different living environments; some of them have become well-camouflaged, while others are brightly colored and can be spotted easily during their brief periods of activity.


Crickets chirp by rubbing their wings together quickly within a special patch of small ridges. For this reason, they are also known as “field crickets”, because these insects usually reside in field environments rather than grassy meadows.  Sounds produced by crickets can vary in pitch and frequency depending on how fast they rub their wings together; males often chirp with higher frequencies in order to attract females for mating purposes.

Male crickets prefer to chirp at night time when it is cooler so that the temperature of their bodies does not rise too much while singing – otherwise, they would become overheated and die off. It is believed that female crickets can distinguish between different sound pitches and if she prefers one particular male over another based on his chirping abilities. Some species of crickets are known to chirp very loudly, but some use pulses in order to communicate with one another; this is also how they warn other creatures nearby that they are alert and ready to attack prying insects or animals who get too close.

Differences Between Crickets and Grasshoppers

If you look closely, there are some distinct differences between grasshoppers and crickets which include their body structures and physical appearance.  Crickets have two pairs of wings – the forewings are larger while the hind wings are smaller and used for jumping or flying.  Grasshoppers only have one pair of wings on each side; they tend to jump from place to place rather than fly in order to get around.

Females do not possess any song organs like crickets; instead, female grasshoppers chirp by rubbing their legs together in order to attract males for mating purposes.  This is known as stridulation since sounds produced through this method contain few harmonics due to a lack of amplifying structures in females.

Grasshoppers usually have large, bulging eyes on their heads; crickets possess smaller and darker eyes which help them see better in the dark while they are singing or hunting for food.  The antennae of male and female grasshoppers are longer than the ones found on male and female crickets since these insects use them to communicate with one another as well as to sense changes in their immediate environment around them.

Different Types of Crickets

Camel Cricket

The camel cricket is a type of insect that can be found in the deserts of North America and western Asia.  These are some of the largest types of crickets – growing to nearly one inch long with thick legs and wings while their bodies are covered with sparse hair; camel crickets have tapered abdomens, large heads and huge eyes which help them see better at night time when they are most active. These insects use their antennae to sense changes in air pressure around them since this is how female camel crickets detect male song signals every night. The chirping sounds produced by male camel cricket each night produce overtones that make these noises louder than other cricket species found elsewhere.

The Mormon Cricket

The Mormon cricket is famous for making its appearance nearly every late April and May in Idaho, Utah, Nebraska and Nevada.  These crickets are often found hiding underneath rocks or logs close to gardens where they like to lay their eggs; the Mormon cricket feeds off of decaying plant matter since it prefers a vegetarian diet over an insect-based one.  Adults can grow up to two inches long with wings that cover half of their bodies while females are larger than males. Males use stridulation to attract these insects which is why they tend to chirp loudly at night time when temperatures cool down – as much as 25 times per second.

The House Cricket

House crickets prefer cooler environments and if you see them indoors, it means that your house is infested – usually near windows, refrigerators or the basement.  They are brown in color with pale yellow stripes on their abdomens which normally congregate close to one another; females tend to be larger than their male counterparts and both can reach up to an inch long. House crickets live for about two years – but some individuals may only live for two months if they cannot find a suitable food source before the winter season arrives.

Male house crickets chirp using sound generators within their front wings in order to attract female insects while mating.  These crickets will lay eggs inside of very small cracks or openings found in basements or walls which gives them access to your home’s insulation around pipes and gas lines; this is where their young ones mature and grow up before they emerge from the insides of your home.

People often confuse the two since both house crickets and camel crickets have bulging eyes with thick legs; but, the latter usually has a yellow stripe down its back while the former does not.  Adult house crickets feed on plant matter like leaves, stems or roots – but they are also known to suck blood from pets.  These insects can be found outdoors during warm months but prefer to stay inside homes during cold weather.

Field Cricket

These types of crickets are brown in color with black stripes all over their bodies; field crickets are found throughout North America as well as Europe since certain species inhabit each continent.  These insects can grow up to one inch long with wings that cover half of their bodies; but, they cannot fly using these wings since they have a more rigid exoskeleton than other types of crickets.  They are omnivorous and feed on plant matter like apples, grasses, and leaves – as well as flies during warm months when food sources are plentiful.

Field crickets prefer damp environments close to trees where sap or nectar is in abundance. They tend to live for about 12 weeks after hatching from eggs which are usually laid underneath rocks or logs.   House Field cricket females lay around 200 eggs inside a dark place before dying off within a few days of giving birth while male field crickets will chirp loudly using sound generators in their front wings to attract female insects.  These crickets will make a variety of sounds including a trill or chirp; field crickets prefer moist soil for feeding but can also survive on dry land if they have proper shelter and food sources like fruits, other insects or plants are still available.

The Oriental Cricket

This type of cricket is usually found in tropical areas such as Hong Kong, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Southern China since they require warm weather and high humidity levels – but it has been reported that the Oriental cricket is now migrating to Northern America thanks to global warming. These crickets are black with white stripes covering their bodies; these insects grow up to one inch long without wings while females tend to be larger than their male counterparts.

Crickets prefer moist soil where they feed on plant matter like roots, stems or leaves – but they are omnivorous and can also survive on a diet of flies if nothing else is available to them.  They are generally active during the night when it is warm outside; but, Oriental crickets have been known to adapt to changing weather patterns and continue being active during cold seasons by burrowing under leaves and other debris in order to keep themselves warm. You’ll find that the field cricket sounds more muted while Oriental crickets produce louder chirps which sound like a hum or buzz.

The House Cricket

This type of cricket is quite common in Northern and Southern America as well as parts of Europe, Asia and Africa since they are widely considered to be one of the most invasive species around. These insects can live up to a year after hatching from eggs which are usually laid by young female crickets under rocks or logs. House crickets prefer warm temperatures and moist environments for feeding with ample amounts of plant matter like grasses and leaves available; but, if there is an absence of food sources, these creatures can survive by eating smaller bugs such as worms or flies.

House crickets tend to live outdoors during warmer seasons where they create burrows close to the soil’s surface – but they also spend their time indoors during colder weather where they like to hide in dark cracks and other areas around a dwelling.  House crickets are commonly found close to air conditioning units where the warmth from these devices attracts different insects like ants, roaches and spiders for feeding; they will eat organic matter like fungi, fruits or plant materials if there is an absence of dead bugs or something else available to them.

House crickets can grow up to one inch long without wings with males being bigger than females; they have short antennae as well as long legs which allow them to jump up to 6 feet into the air. If you’re interested in knowing how fast house crickets are – then just look at their hind legs since it’s easy to see that these creatures can leap forward incredibly quickly when feeding or mating.  House crickets have a natural ability to camouflage themselves which is helpful when you’re living in an environment where other predators like spiders and rodents can easily see them.

Contrary to popular belief, house crickets are not noisy insects since their chirps are usually toned down if they live indoors – but the males tend to make more noise if they are competing with other creatures for food sources or mates. Female field crickets lay up to 500 eggs at a time while house cricket females only lay around 100; these creatures mature into adult form within 2-3 months after hatching from their eggs. If you’ve ever heard chirping sounds coming from underneath furniture in your home – then that was likely caused by house crickets.

The St. Andrew’s Cricket

This type of cricket is native to the tropical portions of Africa where it can be found in savannah, grassland or even forests where there are a lot of shrubs and trees; however, this insect has also been reported to live in areas outside its native habitat like Hawaii and Australia – but as with the house cricket, it has become an invasive species thanks to global warming.  These insects look very similar to field crickets with long antennae on their heads and six legs which allow them to jump up from the ground; they have tan bodies which range from brownish-yellow to gray and black stripes running down their backs. You’ll find that these creatures prefer dry soil for burrowing which allows them to avoid cold and wet conditions; however, they are also good swimmers.

St. Andrew’s crickets chirp more melodically than field crickets – but it has been reported that these insects can create sounds louder than humans can hear using a process called stridulation where their legs rub together to produce shrill noises that resemble an electric siren or horn.  These creatures have the ability to jump from 5-10 feet high into the air in order to escape danger like predators or large animals looking for food, but they will usually just run away since it is harder for animals to catch this type of cricket on foot.

Jerusalem Cricket

These insects are part of the mole cricket family and will usually live in damp or cool areas near riverbanks, fields, meadows or other habitats where there is enough moisture to support their needs; they tend to avoid open fields with no plant life like grasses.  The bodies of these crickets are covered in gray-brown colored scales while brown stripes run across different parts of their wings and back – but females can be distinguished from male Jerusalem crickets by their short antennae and longer ovipositors which look like sharp stings. These creatures have six legs on each side of their body as well as three toes on each foot – but they also have claws for digging burrows which help them to survive during colder seasons when food can be scarce.

Jerusalem crickets will eat just about anything they can find including insects, plants, fruit and even small animals if they’re lucky enough to catch one; however, these creatures aren’t picky since they have an array of predators including snakes, birds and even some large mammals like badgers or foxes looking for a quick snack. Since Jerusalem crickets are nocturnal insects, you’ll usually hear them make noises at night – but during the daytime or when it rains too heavily, their burrows may flood which leads to drowning.

Roesel’s Bush Cricket

Native to the forests of Central Africa, this cricket is usually found on the ground or in bushes – but it has also shown up living inside trees like acacia.  Roesel’s bush-crickets are nocturnal which means you’ll hear them during late night hours and early morning as they look for food. Their bodies range from brownish-gray to black with orange stripes running across their backs; these colors help them camouflage among fallen leaves and rocks where they live. These crickets have wings that stretch out more than 3 inches wide which can make them hard for predators to catch; however, they may slow down if they sense danger so these creatures can be seen moving quickly through trees, shrubs and other plant life when threatened.  These crickets have six legs with two knees and five toes on each foot, but they also have sharp claws that help them to cling onto larger plants – along with a very long and thin body that is used as protection against predators.

Although these crickets feed mostly on sap and plant matter like fruit from trees or even other insects, they may bite if threatened which can cause some pain; these bites are quite rare though since Roesel’s bush-crickets will usually just climb higher into their habitat in order to avoid danger or flee the area altogether. These creatures aren’t picky eaters so they’ll devour just about anything they find including seeds, dead animals, other insects or snails – while avoiding any contact with larger predators that could harm them.  

Giant Ground Crickets

If you’ve ever wondered what a cricket on steroids would look like, you’re in for a treat since giant ground crickets have bodies that are larger than most other types of crickets.  These insects have wings that span nearly 4 inches wide with brown, gray and yellow-colored scales covering their body; they also have sharp spines protruding from different parts of their backs as well as an orange-like color running along the middle of their legs. These creatures live mostly in warm and humid climates where they tend to stay near aqueducts or rivers – but they can also be found living inside grass fields or even indoors if there is a large enough crack or hole for them to climb inside.

Giant ground crickets are active during the daytime and can be found running across different types of terrain – but they also like to settle inside small holes where they feel protected from larger predators that could harm them; if their hiding spot isn’t deep enough though, these creatures may only fear getting eaten by birds with long beaks since their legs are no match for longer claws.  These male giant crickets rub their wings together when courting females so if you hear a loud chirping sound outside your window, this is probably what’s making it – but you should never handle these animals or attempt to catch one since they have sharp spines on their back that will cause painful wounds if touched.

Australian Field Cricket

Native to Australia and New Guinea, these insects are mostly found on the ground, in trees or even inside buildings looking for shelter during the night.  Australian field crickets have a green-colored body with dull brown wings that don’t tend to cover their entire back – but they do have an orange stripe that runs along the bottom of each leg which helps them remain camouflaged among foliage where they live. These creatures can grow up to 2 inches long and 1/2 inch wide with powerful jaws so you’ll often see these animals eating other insects; some species also feed on nectar from flowers while others enjoy snails or even munching on young reptiles.  These crickets will protect themselves by hiding in underground holes where larger predators can’t get to them – but even then, they’re not completely safe from danger. 

If you happen to see one of these crickets in the wild, you might notice that it doesn’t jump like most other types of crickets do since these creatures don’t move around very much; this is because Australian field crickets spend their nights hiding away from predators under rocks or leaves which makes it near impossible for them to hop like other species do. You may spot one moving quickly though if an animal gets too close so the insect can crawl inside a hole or even flee with its strong leg muscles – and while they’re mostly found on land during the daytime, some species will climb trees at night when there aren’t any threats lurking.


Are crickets nocturnal?

While some species do spend their days hiding in dark places where they feel safe from predators, others may be seen during the daytime – but crickets are mostly nocturnal so you’ll often notice them scurrying around at night.

What purpose do crickets serve in the ecosystem?

In many areas of the world, bugs tend to play a huge role in renewing soil nutrients for plant life to grow and thrive.  Crickets munch on dead grass or even fallen leaves which helps break down leaves into simpler forms that can easily be used by plants; these creatures also like to eat snails as well as other insects which keeps populations under control so it’s not only beneficial for plant growth – but it also keeps our environment clean from harmful bacteria and parasites.

Are crickets invertebrates?

While crickets share some of the same characteristics as other types of insects, such as having a segmented body and six legs just like spiders or ticks do – they’re actually only considered invertebrates if they have an exoskeleton which means their skeleton is on the outside.  In fact, most insects are hemimetabolic while crickets are poikilothermic which means these animals can either camouflage themselves during colder seasons to blend in with their surrounding environment or even change color to reflect what time of year it is so that predators can’t easily spot them.

Are crickets herbivores?

While crickets generally eat any type of food they can find, such as snails, spiders or even worms – many types of crickets are actually herbivores so they only eat plant-based matter.  These creatures use their front legs to pluck off leaves and flowers from plants in order to suck out the juices inside.

Can humans eat crickets?

Insects are packed with protein which can be healthy for humans, but don’t expect them to taste like chicken.  This doesn’t mean that people can’t consume these bugs at all though – in fact, a couple of different companies have taken it upon themselves to mix cricket flour into other products such as bread or cookies.  If you’re interested in trying some of these delicacies, or if you want to learn more about the health benefits of eating insects – just visit a website like https://crickets.com/how-to-cook-crickets/ for some great tips.

Are crickets dangerous?

While most species that have been studied by experts are harmless – there are still some types of crickets that can be dangerous to consume, especially if they’ve been in any way exposed to chemicals or pesticides.  One type of cricket found mostly in Australia and New Guinea is called “Gryllotalpa Africana” and while they’re typically harmless, it’s possible that consuming enough of these crickets could even be fatal for small children.

Why do crickets chirp?

Most species of crickets are attracted to light, especially the luring glow of the moon at nighttime – this is because these insects rely on vision in order to find food or even other crickets which they need for mating purposes.  The noise a cricket makes when it rubs its wings together is called “stridulation” and most scientists believe that their songs actually carry a specific message along with them; for example, one species might sing about how beautiful the night is while another could be communicating danger or alerting nearby females that he’s looking for a date.

Can crickets fly?

Even though crickets don’t have the ability to fly, they still spend a lot of time in trees and bushes where they’re more likely to find food.  In order to climb up these surfaces, crickets possess long back legs which can grip onto objects like twigs or leaves that allow them the opportunity to move higher.  Some types of cricket also carry wings on their back which are used primarily for attracting mates – if you ever notice a male cricket on the ground with what appears to be tiny useless wings attached to their rear, this is because these insects aren’t given the ability to fly until it’s time for them to find new mates.

How do crickets reproduce?

Crickets are only fertile at certain times of their lives and like other bugs which live in groups, the males actually have an interesting ritual when it comes to seeking females.  While most crickets can be found living in colonies or even just on their own – these types of insects are usually only interested in seeking new mates during mating season and will communicate with each other through songs which are generated from rubbing different parts of their bodies together.

Are crickets endangered?

If you’ve ever wondered whether any types of crickets are at risk for extinction – you won’t need to look further than Hawaii.  The Hawaiian Islands are home to many rare species of insects and unfortunately, one such insect is called “Acheta Domestica” – this particular species has only been sighted once since its discovery more than 70 years ago in 1931.  So rare were these crickets, that when they were last seen, scientists were only able to gather three specimens before the species went completely extinct.

What do crickets eat?

Most crickets are what you would consider omnivores because they eat both plants and other animals, though there are some types that only consume plants.  These insects live in a variety of different habitats – grasslands, deserts, woodlands, forests and even temperate regions such as Hawaii. Most crickets have adapted to certain environments where it’s either easy or nearly impossible for them to find food; if you were to look at the stomach contents of a cricket from tropical areas, you’d likely find mostly pollen whereas those living near decaying vegetation might be more interested in eating meat.